. Our Journey « StepbyStep

A journey by foot crossing Northern Italy, Austria, the Czeck Republic and finally Poland to talk about memory…

Contribution to the reflection

Walk together
A. Cavaglion

Saluto ai viaggiatori
B. Segre

76 Words

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Our Journey

This journey of 1913 kilometers crosses Northern Italy, Austria, the Check Republic and Poland, it will be completed in 76 days to be started on February 15th 2011 on the anniversary of the departure of interned convoy from Borgo San Dalmazzo and completed on May 1st the Yom Ha Shoah Israel’s day of remembrance of the Holocaust.

The group undertaking this project is composed by nine people: two actors and a musician will walk the entire route, while a fourth member will relay on a weekly basis to allow ten walkers to walk a section of the itinerary. The walking group is followed by a photographer a video maker, a press agent and two drivers which will head two mobile unities one in front and one in the back of the walking group in order to provide logistics support, safety, communication and announce the arrival at the end of each stage.

This pilgrimage will include some off days to allow moments of meeting, exchange, documentation and stage shows in some of local communities visited. The goal is to involve local residents and walk together for some sections of the itinerary and create a community bonded by this experience. This project will be anticipated by a round of media communication to generate attention to our goals and opportunities to meet with local community members, school classes and interested citizens while the group moves through this voyage.

foto maurizio agostinetto

The participants will write a diary inclusive of images, photographs and videos published on www.viaggioadauschwitz.eu and there will be a section open to the comments of the viitors of site.

Book crossing: at few stops a book will be given in exchange of another one to underline the significance of written literature as a contribution to the documentation of memory.

Every stage will be dedicated to one of the deportees and his/her descendants, to remember the people of the Shoah, but also the return of life.

As another symbolic but meaningful action, we intend to carry a birch tree to be planted at our arrival in Auschwitz, while during the intermediate stages we’ll provide to anyone interested to care for it seeds to plant new trees in locations like train stations, schools or community centers. This will be a tangible legacy of memory and the voyage of life.

ITALY– 33 stages

Borgo San Dalmazzo – Cuneo 10,0 – Fossano 37,0 – Racconigi 69,4 – Moncalieri 99,3 – Torino 107,7 – Chivasso 131,8 – Tronzano Vercellese 162,3 – Vercelli 183,2 – Novara 213,1 – Vittuone 246,6 – Milano 270,7 – Tavazzano 301,1 – Casalpusterlengo 332 – Piacenza 352,9 – Busseto 382,9 – Parma 418,5 – Gattatico 440,6 – Reggio Emilia 462,4 – Modena 487,9 – Carpi 509,6 – Fossoli 514,6 – Suzzara 544,1 – Mantova 567,2 – Villafranca 595,5 – Pescantina 625,8 – Belluno Ver.se 656,7 – Rovereto 687,3 – Trento 712,4 – Laghetti 743,7 – Bolzano 776,2 – Chiusa 806 – Mules 840,6 – Brenner 866,3

AUSTRIA – 25 stages

Patsch 898,2 – Innsbruck 907,2 – Schwatz 935 – Worgl 970,6 – Kitzbuel 1003,1 – Hochfilzen 1031,6 – Zell Am See 1063,7 – Lend 1089,8 – Bischofshofen 1115,6 – Kuchl 1145,3 – Salzburg 1176,3 – Strasswalchen 1204,7 – Vöclabruck 1238,4 – Wels 1273,5 – Linz 1299,5 – Mauthausen 1325,6 – St.Nikola An Danau 1360,4 – Lehen 1391,3 – Melk 1403 – Krems an Donau 1437,8 – Absdorf 1470,9 – Hoflein an Donau 1499,9 – Wien 1519,1 – Gansendorf 1549,2 – Drosing 1582,6


Breclav 1612,2 – Hodonin 1638,3 – Uhersky Ostroh 1669,6 – Otrokovice 1701,3 – Prerov 1733,5 – Hranice 1764,5 – Studenka 1798,7 – Ostrava 1825,1 – Karvina 1849,5

POLAND – 3 stages

Chybie 1873,9 – Brzeszcze 1906,9 – Oswiecim 1913

foto maurizio agostinetto

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