. Contribute « StepbyStep

A journey by foot crossing Northern Italy, Austria, the Czeck Republic and finally Poland to talk about memory…

Contribution to the reflection

Walk together
A. Cavaglion

Saluto ai viaggiatori
B. Segre

76 Words

Prestaci una tua Parola, la porteremo con noi per restituirla a...

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Our project inclusive of staff and compensation to all people collaborating with us, meals and hotel nights, car and equipment rentals, PR and communication is budgeted to an expense of 175.000,00 Euro.

Thanks to the contribution of Organizations and bank foundations we’ve been able to cover about 60% of the entire costs, however we’re still looking to recover the remaining 40% an we’re asking you to help us by becoming an individual supporter of this endeavor.

Please contribute financially to our journey

With PayPal

or with a bank transfer to our Bank Account:

Banca CRS – Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano S.p.A.

IBAN: IT 13 X 0630546010000060132586

Account Name: Compagnia il Melarancio Cooperativa – Reason: PassodopoPasso


If you live along our route and would like to join us feel free to


…. We’ll meet somewhere on the road.

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